As the past few days have unfolded, amidst the human tragedy we have witnessed in Haiti, it became evident that a rescue task of this size was going to take as many people as possible. The window of time is so short, a few days, before countless more lives would be lost underneath piles of debris in a shattered city. Side by side some of the most horrific images I have ever seen of human suffering and agony was one of the most beautiful, teams from all over the world working towards the same cause with the same purpose, vision and end, to save as many people as could be saved before the window was shut.
I have no idea outside of what I have seen on the internet how many miracles have transpired over the last few days. The Lord knows, but as I was watching this take place-with prayers and tears- it seemed as though I could see the Lord’s global army, from every nation under heaven. Everyone was needed for the window of time was short in which people could be rescued and this day was coming to an end. This is how we as the Lord’s army needed to be working side by side with each other, to have the greatest potential possible. To see an Icelandic team of rescue workers pull a woman out of a fallen building, or the French pull a woman who had all but lost hope as she lay under a hotel in ruins. A Brazilian team digging frantically because someone had heard a sign of life (which later turned out to be a nurse underneath a hospital- who was rescued in good condition). The American team taking control of the airport so that the supplies all could come safely or the Chinese who were the first to arrive. No one cared who was from where the world had come together to rescue as many as possible. Of course none of this would even happen without the greatest number of people in this army, those that gave toward the help, people from all over the world.
Spiritually no one knows how much space is left to repent. How short is the window of time for God’s army??? How many people are in the throes of eternal death and how many of us are working frantically to get them out beneath structures of a lost and dying world. One focus, one vision, one end. As the army of Jesus we are called to rescue as many as possible before its too late. Compassion is a trait of a believer, it’s in our spiritual DNA because this is how our Father is. Compassion moves you. As we stand underneath the banner of Jesus Christ borders of doctrine, denomination, and pride try to divide us, let His vision unite us with this common purpose, “for all men to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth” Everyone is needed. We are so much stronger together than we are alone-we desperately need each other, it was at the time of the Lord’s greatest need the garden of Gethsemane- He longed for the disciples to tarry with him. Are we again at the time of the Lord’s greatest need?