If I Only Had More Time

Sorry, I don’t have enough time.

I just need more hours in the day.

Have you ever caught yourself thinking these things?  Me too, however I’m convinced I’m wrong!

Our God in His infinite wisdom gave us 24 hours in the day & ordained part of that for sleep, rejuvenation.  He also is the one who numbers our days & promises to give us grace that will help us to live light & free.

“Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”  Matthew 11:28-30

I once heard a great man of God say something that impacted me still to this day.  He said, “God won’t give you more than you can do in one day.”  He is a just & loving God!

Well, then, how come our days are too full?  Many reasons, actually!  Are we led by need or by conviction?  In other words, are we doing what everyone asks us to do or what we believe God is telling us to do.  I’m moved by compassion, but refuse to be led by need.

Trust me, everyone needs you!

Nonetheless, I have no problem turning off my phone or letting a call go to voicemail.  This one is just my personal preference, but my phone doesn’t alert me every time I have a new e-mail or a social media update.  No, I just look at those when I have the time to give.  

I guess I’m a mission field junky.  I lived on the mission field before cell phones & even laptops. Yes, no Internet. Gasp.  I long for those days when my day was fully mine & strive to keep in that attitude even now.  It’s nice not to have your attention diverted when focused on something God wants you to accomplish.

I also don’t drop what I’m doing for emergencies that aren’t emergencies at all.  Even Jesus didn’t.  How about the time they were all but demanding He stay, yet He said He had to go in Luke chapter 4.  “The people were looking for him and when they came to where he was, they tried to keep him from leaving them. 43 But he said, “I must proclaim the good news of the kingdom of God to the other towns also, because that is why I was sent.”

Oh, to learn this lesson.  Yes, I think we overload our schedules by saying, “yes” to man rather than “yes” to God.  After all, He is the one who sees the big picture & knows what will yield the greatest results.

Mastering our own time, one of life’s greatest lessons!  

I’ll conclude with this thought on what God does require of us. As we choose to give God the time He deserves each day, we allow Him to be the orchestrator of our life! He 

is the best day planner you can ever invest in…  trust me, the one who created it all in 6 & rested on the 7th, knows just how to order our week!  

~Judi Jo