The Fragrant Life

My childhood memories are full of beautiful smells.  My parents owned flower shops and I grew up running the aisles and sneaking into the cooler.  Oh, I can remember walking in that cooler just to smell how amazing it was when it was full of flowers.  I especially loved to take a rose and hold it up to my lips and feel the soft petals and just breathe.  It has to be one of the most wonderful aromas in life!  Did you know that in the Spirit our life is to be a sweet smelling fragrance to God?  It’s true, it’s possible and He gives us the secrets along the way to living a triumphal life!

“Thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of Him.  For we are to God the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and who are perishing.” — II Cor 2:14  He goes on to say the we are the “fragrance of life”.    

So, the question that stands today is simple.  If Heaven could smell us, what would we smell like?…

Would it be sweet, meaning that through all the trials and victories we have kept our hearts right and continued to praise Him.  Or, would it simply stink!  Ladies, it’s never too late to turn it around.  You know, a rose grows best in a pile of manure…it is true!  The secret is found in the verse above and, when put into practice; it can change our lives into a sweet smelling sacrifice to our Lord and King!

Now, we all know that when looking with our own eyes life doesn’t always seem like some wonderful victory walk.  If we are honest, we have all had huge bumps along the way and gone through experiences that we may not understand.   Well, the Word does let us know that in this life we will have troubles in Jn 16:33,  and yet he still said he would always lead us in triumphal procession.  So, how can this be true?  Well, it’s a matter of focus and a matter of what is coming out of us.

One of my all time favorite chapters is Psalms 23.  It beautifully shows us the answer and the secret.  It simply paints a picture for II Cor 2:14.  You see, this chapter talks about Him being our shepherd, causing us to lie down in green pastures and restoring our soul.  It also talks about a table, the kind with every good thing we need for a wonderful life, but did you notice that table is spread in the presence of our enemies?  Again, those green pastures and still waters are as we walk through the valley of the shadow of death.

So, how does that all add up?  Well, the victory, the still waters and the spread table, are on the inside!  They are where Christ abides in us.  Where no matter what we see we are going through to the other side!  Though problems surround us and we seem pressed on every hand, we have a voice that says, “Thanks be unto God, who always leads me…”  Yes, that is the key to walking in victory.  I mean, do we want to be

moved by the circumstances that are around us and are temporal?  Or, do we want to put our eyes on the one who is eternal and abide in His place of victory?  It’s our choice you see. We can stop, sit down in our mess, look around and think there is no way out.  That equals stink.  Then again, trials can surround us, but at any time we can look to the one who is our green pastures, rest in Him and lift up our voice of victory.  Why?  He will always lead us through! Now, that is a sweet smelling life!

I’ve lived in many countries and often found myself alone in a dark alley or on a strange subway.  I’ve been surrounded by some of the grossest depictions of humanity, yet when I lean into Him at the same time I’m surrounded by the wonders of Heaven.  It’s all a matter of focus and of looking inward to Him!  I’ve been in the I.C.U. with my son on top of me and heard a horrible report about his life.  Where do I choose to look and what will my song be?  He led Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego through the fire without even a smell.  He brought Joseph out of the prison and fulfilled his dream.  I choose if I let the smell of death stay on me or if I rise up and say…”Now thanks be unto God who gives me the victory”  –I Cor 15:57. Ladies, that is an example of a triumphal procession and what leads us out!

Jesus is our greatest example and as he went to His darkest hour, God made sure to mark it with a triumphal procession ( you can read it in Mark 11 ).  Why?   He wasn’t looking with our human eyes!  In His darkest hour He shined the brightest and offered up a sweet smelling sacrifice.  It’s all about a heart adjustment. “I may be walking through this mess, but it’s not getting in me!” Col 1:27 says “Christ in you the hope of glory!”  All we need to do is let the hope of glory out of our mouths!  We lead our triumphal procession by the words we say.  We either go through in victory by our voice or we sit down, are quiet and simply stink.

Ladies, let’s let our darkest time be our finest hour.  It’s a new season, one to fully put our trust in Him, knowing He will lead us through.  Let’s surround one another in a Spirit of faith and cheer one another on to victory.  Let’s lift up our eyes and place them on our King…the one who is Creator!  Mostly, let’s open our mouths and let out thanks to Him!  Nothing could smell sweeter than Him knowing everything we are experiencing and still finding us in worship to Him.