He Knows My Name

As a children’s minister, one of my greatest passions is to instill in kids who they are in Christ Jesus.  Every Wednesday I teach the 1st -5th grade class and every Wednesday I remind them that God knew them before they were born.  They are God’s art work.  He wove them in their mother’s womb and set them apart with a special purpose (Jer. 1:5).  I tell them that God already knows exactly what they are going to accomplish in His name.  I confide in them that God has even counted and knows how many hairs are on their head (Lk.12:7)!  

Every week I love to watch their reaction to what God knows about them! They are famous because God, the creator of the universe knows their name!  God’s Word is full of stories of young children, who were called to do mighty works on this earth.  Abraham, Isaac, Jeremiah, John, Mary, Paul… God preselected them to fulfill His plan on this earth and he has chosen our youngest generation to turn the world upside down with God’s love and power.  

Luke 10:21(NASV) states, “At that very time He rejoiced greatly in the Holy Spirit, and said, “I praise You, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that You have hidden these things from the wise and intelligent and have revealed them to infants”. 

God is revealing the hidden things of His heart to our children.  We cannot underestimate what He will accomplish even through our littlest ones.  They are empowered by the Holy Spirit too.  We can teach our kids who they are in Christ when they go to school, church, or on the streets to carry a message of faith hope and love.  In His name they can do mighty works and there is no limit to what they can accomplish on this earth!

Eph. 1:4 even as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blemish before him in love: