Remembering His Words

My husband and I and a team of 11 just returned from a successful missions trip to an orphanage in Port au Prince, Haiti.  During the course of the week while I was away, once again a prophetic word was rolling around in my heart.  It’s a word that I have been very personally impacted by that was given to two leaders by Patsy Cameneti in 1979 at a Holy Ghost Rally – that was 33 years ago!  When I first came across the prophecy, it especially witnessed to my heart over the years, but in particular it has come to the forefront of my heart this year.  I wanted to share just a portion of the prophecy that is believed to have universal significance.  I trust it will bless you as much as it has me.    

“And even in this plan a whole move for child evangelism would be a great spoke. And so God will gather to Himself the children in the world. And those that have no name; those that have no home are going to be finding homes in these days.  Because God is going to raise up homes and establishments all over the world to gather the children to Himself. And in this great move He will glorify and honor Himself as a Father. And He will be a Father to the fatherless. And He will be a Father to those who have no home and who have no name.

“And so those who have thought that you have already raised your own and those that have even raised your children, will find yourself again rocking the babes. And will find yourselves again raising up little ones. But this time not just naturally. Because these little ones who have no purpose but just only to find their way to whatever food they can find. In these days, they’ll find the greatest purpose of all. For in these days, they’ll not only find a home, but in this home they will find great purpose. And God is reserving much anointing. God is reserving much equipment for these people. These little ones. And in the mouth of these little babes, the adversary will be silenced. And oh, there will be many who say, “These people are nothing. These little ones are nothing.” And they would have been ones that have been kicked aside. And they would have been the ones that the people have looked down upon.

“But oh, God is searching out these little ones. And out of their mouth will come great, great authority. And great, great prophecy. And great events will happen among these little children. The little children of the world. And so, and so, it’s a wonderful thing that God will do in these days. Oh, not just one place here and not just one place there. But it will be multiplied over and over in this nation and around the world. And so the children will come, red and yellow, black and white, because they are precious in His sight. And they will march together these little feet. They will march together in a heavenly beat. And God will use these little ones as little keys and they will open great doors. And oh, even the enemy will not even look toward these as great, great possibilities.

There are those of us who may have personally received a word just recently or for some, perhaps, it may be years and years ago.  Tucked away in journals or on pieces of notebook paper or even written somewhere in our Bible there may be a word that was spoken to us prophetically.  I’m encouraging you to continually pray over those words and nurture them to fulfillment.  Remember that God has released a vision of possibilities over our lives so we will get excited about it!  He’s hoping we will press on towards the mark to do whatever we need to do to get ready to be or do what He said we can be and what we can do!  

Whether it’s personal prophecies spoken over us or words that witness to us so strongly that are spoken for the larger body of Christ, we must learn what to do with it to make it come to pass.   I’ve realized it is so important for me to understand that there are conditions and I have a part to play in order for God to fulfill His Word.  God’s promises to us are unlimited, but its fulfillment depends on our abiding in Him and this Word.  For me, the prophetic word given some 33 years ago was like a seed that was planted in my spirit and lodged in my heart.  It has been my responsibility to water it, weed it, protect it, and act upon it, to be a doer of that word and then yes, wait patiently as long as it takes.   With great faith is great patience.  The enemy is chief at kicking us when we’re down and in tough situations. At those times it can seem like everything escalates.  He thinks we’re going down for the last count and he comes on stronger than ever before.  Oh, but it’s our strong faith accompanied with patience, and disciplining our body and mind to get louder and persistent to stay in there!  We can’t afford to let our minds run loose for even ten seconds because most of what the devil is designed to do is make us change what we believe!  We’re determined he’s not going to score!      

1 Timothy 1:18  (GOD’S WORD Translation)  Timothy, my child, I’m giving you this order about the prophecies that are still coming to you: Use these prophecies in faith and with a clear conscience to fight this noble war.

1 Timothy 1:18  (KJV)  This charge I commit unto thee, son Timothy, according to the prophecies which went before on thee, that thou by them mightest war a good warfare;

It’s time, precious sisters!  God is waiting for us to dig out those journals and notebooks filled with words and even callings that have been spoken over us, our families, over the children of the world; it’s time for us to brush off the seed and act!  It’s time we come into the inner chamber and close the door to our prayer closet and with the prophecy in our hands begin lifting them up and praying them back to the Lord.  We’re told by Paul to wage a good war with them.  Let’s see ourselves in the book of Lamentations, our hands cupped together filled with those precious words, lifting them up before the Father.  In consistency lies POWER!  Let’s see the Holy Ghost, the Spirit of Truth connecting with the truth spoken from our mouth, moving on that Word and bring it to pass – now that’s a good warfare!    

Lamentations 3:41  (AMP)  Let us lift up our hearts and our hands [and then with them mount up in prayer] to God in heaven:

And so, over the years, I’ve waged a good warfare with a portion of a prophecy from 33 years ago.  Today, I’m seeing the natural manifestation of children that God has gathered to Himself in the nation of Haiti.  These are the children who had no name, no home and no purpose, but to find their way to whatever food they could find.  They were the little ones kicked aside and looked down upon.  Today these same little children now have a name, a home and great purpose!  

I’m going back into my prayer chamber with my hands lifted to continue to fight this noble war for the children!  For a great move of child evangelism throughout the world!  A God who takes care of the children surely is a good God!  Oh, the sound of children’s voices filled with laughter and joy all throughout the day, singing songs of praise to our God in many different languages!  We know the Father is pleased!  A God who will take care of His children is a good God.  All the prayers and prophecies are coming together now like colors on a rainbow joining, meeting, blending and making something so beautiful!