Dirty Driveways, Preaching, & Wet Goldfish

I had a funny experience recently that I thought would be fun to share, but also give us ladies some important things to consider as we live this precious life in Christ. I had the opportunity to share the Word at our home church during a midweek service a few weeks ago. It had been quite a while since I had done any pulpit ministry, so it was a mix of feeling a little nervous (it’s a big church!), yet being very excited, and as always privileged to be an encouragement to the Body. 

We had a wonderful time in the Word that night and the Holy Spirit was faithful to answer every prayer I prayed regarding the message. Folks were blessed and my pastors were happy – success!! When the service was over, my husband Pat went to pick up our five girls from the children’s ministries, and I stayed in the sanctuary to chat with someone who came over to give me a hug and share how the message had blessed them that night. While still talking to the person, my youngest daughter, three year old Elizabeth, soon came running up to me and wanted to put something in my hand. I tried to accommodate her and still hold the conversation, but she soon had my full attention when I found out the “something” she wanted to give me was a very wet, very slimy goldfish cracker! Needless to say, I was a little surprised and my friend and I got a very good laugh over it. After getting a tissue to clean up the mess, I remember saying, “I guess this is my reward for a job well done!” 

It was a simple incident that I wouldn’t have thought would make a very big impact on me, but that little wet goldfish stayed with me and really made me think about what real ministry is. Was my ministry over when I stepped out of the pulpit that night? Was my daughter an interruption, or in truth was that moment a continuation of what ministry really is? Unfortunately, even in the Church sometimes our views of success and ministry can get distorted, and we begin to lose the genuine definition of “ministry”, which simply means “to serve or wait upon.” Although preaching or teaching the Word qualifies as ministry and is one way to serve, there are many other types of ministry require no Bible and no pulpit, but just as much help from the Holy Spirit! 

Everyday my prayers are filled with requests and confessions of grace and wisdom to minister to my family, my pastors, my church family, my neighbors and anyone else God puts in my path that needs His service through me that day. I need the Holy Spirit to help me minister love and blessings to my husband, to minister grace and discipline to my children, to minister support and strength to my pastors, and the unconditional love of Christ to every person that crosses my path. Ministry isn’t real until it touches the lives of the people around us. Until then, it’s merely form or fashion. Ministry is not glamour and glitz; it’s tough decisions. It’s heartfelt prayers not just for me, but for others in need around the world. It’s kissing boo-boos and healing broken hearts. It’s cleaning up slimy goldfish crackers, balancing the checkbook for my husband, smiling at the cashier in the checkout line, and making dinner for a person in need. Ministry means keeping the right perspective in every situation, and seeing the divine opportunities everyday to reach out to those around us who need Christ.

In the last few months there has been quite a bit of construction in our neighborhood, which means lots and lots of dirt!! Two of the houses were built right across the street from us. Day after day more dirt piled up at the end of our driveway, which then came into our garage on our tires, and eventually made it’s way onto our hardwood floors. Yuck! I wish I could say we never complained, but I must admit at times we gave in and expressed our strong desires for the construction to be over and the contractors out of our neighborhood! When all was said and done, two very cute houses were up and soon new neighbors were moving in. Our girls had watched all the construction and got very excited to see moving trucks pull in across the street. They gave me play by play details of what was being moved in as they looked for signs of other little girls. Roars of excitement erupted when pink bikes came out of one moving truck. My oldest daughter, Ethecie, came to me later and asked if we were going to make a treat and take it to our new neighbors to welcome them. She caught me by surprise. Only having been in America from Haiti a year, I asked her what made her think of doing that. She said she had seen it in a movie and thought it was a good thing to do. Can you say CONVICTION?! My 10 year old had just awakened me and brought me out of my schedule and into ministry. I had paid a lot of attention to the dirt in the driveway, but hardly any to the new families that had just moved in. (Ouch!) So, pretty tins were purchased, cookies baked, and soon my crew and I headed over to make them feel welcome. We discovered that 8 year old twin girls and a toddler were in one house, and in another an adorable little boy with another one soon on the way. We left the cookies, our phone number, and a card from our church, but most importantly we left our smiles and warm greetings for their hearts to remember. 

My dear friends, no matter what continent you live on, what position you hold, or what others may think of you, if you love Jesus Christ – you are in ministry! Our positions and assignments in the Body may be different, but each one of us is necessary and valued by our Father. I Corinthians 12 teaches us that every single part of the body is honored by God. We must never, ever look down on ourselves in our assignments. 

You are not “just a mom.” You are the God-given mother to your children and the person privileged to help guide them into their divine destinies in Christ! You are not “just” a wife. You are the perfect help for your husband and having you has given him favor with the Lord. You are not “just” an employee. You are the one God has put at your place of employment to help your boss reach his/her goals and dreams, which gives you an opportunity to sow a good seed toward your own dreams coming true! Woman of God, you are not “just” an anything. You are who you are by the grace of God. As long as we each are faithful to do our part and fulfill His call on our lives, it doesn’t matter what title we hold or how many people know our name. Our names are written in Heaven, and we are the apple of our Father’s eye. Each day is a new opportunity for Him to use us in a special way to bring others closer to Him. Thank you to every lady reading this for your ministry in the Body to your family, to your pastors, to your church family, and to all those you touch every day. Life is not always easy, and folks do not always remember to say thank you for your tremendous efforts, but please esteem who you are in Christ this day. You are needed; you are special; you are loved!!!