The Main Thing

A dear friend once said, “We just have to keep the main thing the main thing”.  As mom’s we often get so strung out doing the many things we think are necessary that we often lose sight of what is really important: imparting the things of God into our children.  Deuteronomy 6:5-7 (Amplified) says “And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with your entire being and with all your might. And these words which I am commanding you this day shall be first in your own minds and hearts; then you shall whet and sharpen them so as to make them penetrate, and teach and impress them diligently upon the hearts of your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down and when your rise up”.  Now that sums up how to keep the main thing the main thing.  We simply turn the hearts of our children towards God in everything we do.  When a child sees a parent loving the Lord with all their heart, praying, praising, giving selflessly and having the joy of the Lord they have something to follow.  We must make the most of every opportunity with our children.

I am a task-oriented person and once I start something I am like a dog on a bone.  I won’t stop until I get it done.  This is strength in some ways but a lot of times it has cost me precious teaching moments with my children.  I am learning to listen to the Holy Spirit and obey Him quickly when those times arise for me to impart a nugget of truth to my children. This often means stopping in the middle of something that has my attention.  I have often left dishes in the sink to go read a book. I have left laundry in the dryer to go take a walk and talk about what a wonderful creator God is.  I have many times sat down right where I am to hug and tickle. Oh how glorious it is to see the fruit of all the times that I have stopped what I was doing to turn their heart towards Him.  

I encourage you today to meditate on the scripture above and ask Him to help you keep the main thing the main thing.  As you do this you will begin to experience the blessing of seeing your children walk in the ways of the Lord.  Not just because you say so but because it has become rooted deep within their hearts to love the Lord.